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रविवार, 5 मई 2024

Development Communication


 Development Communication

Dr. Ramshankar

1.     Development Communication : Concept, Roles and Definition


Development communication is the strategic use of communication to bring about positive social change. It's a field that combines communication theory with social development principles to improve the lives of individuals and communities.

Development communication focuses on empowering people with information and knowledge so they can make informed decisions about their lives and participate in the development process. It uses a variety of communication channels, such as mass media, interpersonal communication, and participatory communication, to reach target audiences.


Development communicators play a crucial role in facilitating social development. Here are some of their key roles:

  • Raising awareness: Development communicators help to raise awareness of important development issues, such as health, education, and poverty.
  • Behavior change: They design and implement communication campaigns to encourage people to adopt new behaviors that will improve their lives.
  • Social mobilization: Development communicators help to mobilize communities to take collective action on development issues.
  • Advocacy: They advocate for policies and programs that will promote social development.
  • Capacity building: Development communicators help to build the capacity of individuals and communities to communicate effectively.
  • Engaging Stakeholders: Development communication acts as a bridge between communities, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in development initiatives.
  • Facilitating Information Sharing: It creates platforms for knowledge exchange to ensure everyone has the information they need to participate effectively.
  • Promoting Behavior Change: Development communication campaigns aim to raise awareness and encourage positive behavioral changes that contribute to development goals (e.g., hygiene practices, sustainable farming techniques).
  • Social Mobilization: It can be used to mobilize communities to take collective action on development issues.
  • Advocacy: Development communication can be a tool for advocating for policies that support positive social change.


There are many definitions of development communication, but one of the most common is that it is the "art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of human potential" [Nora Quebral, 1975].

In simpler terms, development communication is about using communication to make a positive difference in the world. It's about using the power of communication to empower people, improve lives, and create a more just and equitable society.

Development communication is a field that focuses on using communication strategies to bring about positive social change. Here's a breakdown of the key points:


  • Development communication utilizes various communication channels to empower individuals and communities.
  • It aims to improve their socio-economic conditions and quality of life through informed participation in development initiatives.
  • This field is relatively new, emerging in the 1970s.


There are different definitions for development communication, but some common themes include:

  • Nora Quebral's Definition (1975): "The art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equality and the larger fulfillment of human potential." (This definition highlights the role of communication as both a science and an art in development)
  • World Bank Definition: "An interdisciplinary field...based on empirical research that helps build consensus while it facilitates the sharing of knowledge to achieve a positive change in the development initiative." (This definition emphasizes the importance of research and two-way communication for successful development projects)


2.     Philosophy of Development Communication

philosophy of development communication:

  • Communication as a Catalyst for Change: Development communication believes that communication is a powerful tool to bring about positive social, economic, and environmental changes. It aims to empower individuals and communities through knowledge and participation.
  • Focus on Participation: Unlike traditional top-down communication models, development communication emphasizes a two-way dialogue approach. This means involving communities in the communication process, understanding their needs and perspectives, and fostering their participation in development initiatives.
  • Purposive and Positive: Development communication messages are crafted with a specific goal in mind, which is to achieve positive social change. This could involve promoting healthy behaviors, advocating for social justice, or encouraging sustainable practices.
  • Emphasis on Sustainability: True development goes beyond just economic growth. Development communication recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability and social justice for long-term well-being.
  • Culturally Sensitive: Effective development communication considers the cultural context of the target audience. Messages need to be tailored to resonate with their existing beliefs, values, and communication styles.

Here are some additional ideas to explore:

  • Theoretical models of development communication: There are different models within development communication, such as the Diffusion Model and the Participatory Model. Understanding these models can help you see how communication strategies are designed for development goals.
  • The role of communication technologies: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a significant role in development communication today. How can these tools be harnessed for effective communication and community engagement?

These are just some starting points for your exploration of the philosophy of development communication. There are many resources available online and in libraries to delve deeper into this field.


3. Approaches and Models of Development Communications

Approaches and Models in Development Communication

Development communication employs various approaches to achieve its goals of social progress and positive change. Here's a breakdown of some key approaches:

·        Participatory Communication: This approach emphasizes involving the target community in the communication process. People aren't just passive receivers of information; they actively participate in creating messages, sharing experiences, and shaping solutions. Tools like community radio, participatory video, and focus groups are often used here.

·        Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: This approach aims to raise awareness about a specific issue and influence policy or behavior change. Think public health campaigns promoting vaccination or environmental campaigns advocating for sustainability.

·        Behavior Change Communication (BCC): This approach focuses on motivating individuals and communities to adopt new behaviors that benefit them. For instance, BCC campaigns might encourage better hygiene practices to prevent the spread of disease.

·        Media for Development: This approach utilizes various media channels like radio, TV, print, and social media to deliver development messages effectively. The focus is on choosing the right channels to reach the target audience and deliver content in a way that resonates with them.

·        Capacity Building and Skill Development: This approach empowers communities by equipping them with the communication skills and knowledge they need to advocate for themselves and participate in development initiatives. This can involve training on using technology, public speaking, or writing communication materials.

Models of Development Communication

There's no one-size-fits-all model in development communication. Here are two contrasting models to illustrate the range:

·        Diffusion Model: This older model views communication as a one-way flow of information, from experts or development agencies to the target audience. The idea is that exposure to new information will lead to adoption of new behaviors.

·        Empowerment Model: This model emphasizes two-way communication and active participation of the target community. It focuses on understanding local contexts, building trust, and fostering dialogue to achieve sustainable development.

Philosophy of Development Communication

The core philosophy of development communication revolves around the following principles:

  • Participation: Everyone affected by a development issue should have a voice and be involved in finding solutions.
  • Empowerment: Communication should equip communities with the knowledge and skills they need to advocate for themselves and improve their lives.
  • Social Justice: Development communication aims to bridge information gaps and promote equality so everyone benefits from progress.
  • Sustainability: Effective development communication fosters long-term positive change that communities can maintain.

By following these principles and employing the various approaches and models, development communication strives to create a more just and equitable world.


3.     Development Support Communication

What it is:

  • A strategic communication approach focused on social development and positive change.
  • Uses various communication channels to inform, educate, and motivate specific audiences.
  • Aims to create a two-way dialogue between development planners, beneficiaries, and stakeholders.


  • Raise awareness about development initiatives and programs.
  • Encourage positive behavior changes that support development goals (e.g., health, education).
  • Build capacity and empower communities to participate in development efforts.
  • Foster social change and improve socio-economic conditions.

Key aspects:

  • Participatory: Emphasizes two-way communication and audience feedback.
  • Multi-sectoral: Applicable in various fields like health, agriculture, education.
  • Channel agnostic: Utilizes various communication channels (mass media, community meetings, interpersonal communication).
  • Culturally appropriate: Messages are tailored to the specific audience and their cultural context.


  • Increased understanding and adoption of development initiatives.
  • More effective resource allocation and project implementation.
  • Empowered communities and increased ownership of development outcomes.


4.     Planning and Strategies in Development

Planning and Strategies in Development

Effective development requires a solid foundation of planning and well-defined strategies. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Goal Setting: Clearly define your development goals. What do you want to achieve? What problem are you solving? Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) ensures focus and direction.
  • Situation Analysis: Understand your current situation. Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This helps leverage strengths, address weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.
  • Resource Assessment: Identify the resources required for development. This includes manpower, budget, technology, and any other necessary tools.


  • Align with Goals: Ensure your development strategies directly contribute to achieving your defined goals.
  • Prioritization: Not all strategies are created equal. Prioritize strategies based on their impact and feasibility.
  • Flexibility: The development landscape can be dynamic. Build in adaptability to adjust strategies as needed based on new information or changing circumstances.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Involve Stakeholders: Get buy-in from key stakeholders throughout the planning and development process.
  • Communication: Clearly communicate plans and strategies to everyone involved.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

By following these principles, you can increase your chances of successful development in any field.


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